Sunday, June 26, 2011

"Was It Good Enough for Paul and Silas?"

(If It Was Good Enough For Paul and Silas, It’s Good Enough For Me)
     I grew up in church, first a formalized denomination that I scarcely remember, then the Evangelical Free church and then the Assemblies of God.  My parents no doubt thought that I was absorbing the right lessons, but it wasn’t until I was about 15 years old that I accepted Jesus into my heart and was born again.   And believe me, before that happened, the Bible was not exactly on my list of things to do.
     Once I became a Christian, I was introduced to the mysterious world of which translation is the “authoritative Word of God.”   Kind of reminds you of that age old argument used by the Devil in the Garden of Eden, “Did God really say……?”  Throughout the centuries the serpent has made it his practice to cast aspersions on the Bible and one of his most tried and true tools is to confuse Christians as to which Bible to trust.
     Is the King James Version the only trustworthy Bible out there?  Well, not exactly.  Sometimes we treat it like it is, but the King James Version is nothing more than the version commissioned by King James the (?) of England in the year 1611.  It was not, as the popular joke goes among Christian young people, the one that was good enough for Paul and Silas.  They actually had nothing but the Old Testament and I can assure you it wasn’ t in King James English!  But for its time, it was a pretty good version and you can still buy it today at  You can get it in leather, paper or hard bound editions.  You can get it in Giant Print or Ultra Slim.  You can listen to it on audio and you can compare it to other versions in the Parallel Bible.  Yessirree Bob, we have the King James version of the Bible in just about any format you might wish.
     But, at, we also have the New King James Version.  We have the New American Standard Bible, the Contemporary English version and the English Standard Version.  We have the Good News Bible and the Amplified Bible and the New American Standard Bible.  Each Bible has its proponents, but there is one thing all Bibles have in common.  They have all found a home on and we would like to find a good home for each Bible.
    Now, we’ve talked briefly about translations, but what about paraphrases?  Sometimes it helps to have a slightly clearer picture of a particular verse than we are getting at the moment.  It might be time to pick The Message by Eugene Peterson.  Mr. Peterson has assisted many thousands of Christians in gaining a clearer understanding of God’s Word.  It is of course wise to compare his paraphrase with a more authortitative version to make sure that the valid meaning of God’s Word is coming through.  Thank you Mr. Peterson for continuing in the fine tradition of the Living Bible of my youth!
    By this time, you are either ready to acquire a Bible, or you are possible still horribly confused about which version to try.  You can of course purchase a Bible from and just dive in, you could follow the advice of a close friend or family member or you can sample whatever your church offers.  But the most important lesson to take from this brief moment in time is that the Bible does no good whatsoever unless it jumps off the written page or off the audio soundtrack and into your heart, through either your eyes or your hears.  The Bible declares in Romans, that “Faith comes by hearing (or reading) and hearing (or reading) by the Word of God.”  In other words, you have to do more than just own a Bible or display it in your house, or tote it around with you.  You must open it and read it and spend time thinking about it.  The Bible is a road map.  It will tell you which is the right course of action.  It is a mirror.  It will reflect either an obedience to God in your life or a disregard for the consequences of sin.  It is sharper than any two edged sword and believe you me, should you be contemplating doing something that is not right, it will let you know right away!  If you don’t believe me, try lying to your spouse or your boss right after you read your Bible.  Try sneaking a peek at something you shouldn’t be looking at after you’ve spent time in the Word of God.  Try hating your neighbor or cussing up a storm or even saying an unkind word after you’ve been in the Word.
     But first you have to make it yours.  Stop by today and make one of our Bibles, your Bible…….TODAY!!!

Has Your Heart Ever Burned?


    What a mouthful!  Author Kevin O’Donnell, a trusted pastor and author shows in this book, available at,  how two disciples discussed the events leading up  and including the crucifixion of Jesus, with Jesus Himself, unknowingly.  These disciples had just witnessed the execution of a very dear and beloved leader and they could not quite understand why God had allowed it to happen.  Has this ever happened to you?  Not the execution of a friend, but something that you could not explain and had prayed fervently would not happen, and it happened anyway?  God, Where Are You? They must have cried.  Then this stranger shows up and they begin to discuss the events of the past hours and days.
     Their hearts began to burn within them.  They could sense something was happening, but not recognizing Jesus, they couldn’t quite put their finger on it.  Jesus, after all the Author of the Old Testament, began to explain in the way that only God could, exactly how God had planned this event from Genesis through Malachi.  That was the only Bible they knew.
     No doubt, Jesus began with the Garden of Eden.  “He will crush your head and you will strike His heel” God stated to the serpent, Satan, in Genesis.  In Exodus, the Passover was instituted and the Lamb of God was demonstrated to the world.  The Passover Lamb was to be eaten, but no bones were broken.  Jesus’ bones were left untouched on the cross.  In Leviticus, the Sin Offering was instituted.  In Numbers,  the bronze serpent was lifted up on  type of Cross and many people who had been bitten were healed.  In Deuteronomy, Cities of Refuge were designated, signaling refuge from the wrath of God over sin. 
     In Joshua, the Commander of the Lord’s Army appears.  In Judges, we see a picture of Jesus as he divides the sheep and the goats at the end of the age.  In Ruth, a woman from outside the Jewish race becomes an ancestor of the promised Messiah.  Can you see God’s message to mankind picking up speed and urgency.  God has always had a plan.  He was not surprised by the rebellion of Adam.  He knew and he had a plan in place.
    In Chronicles and Kings and Samuel 1 and  Samuel I2, David the warrior King appears, followed by the wisest King (and Man) who ever lived.  David was an ancestor of Jesus, the coming King of Israel.  Solomon was the epitome of wisdom, foretyping the Logos of God.  Job, the Sufferer of sufferers and so misunderstood.  “Like a sheep is dumb before her shearers, He opened not His mouth.”  Psalms 119 talks about the Word of God and Proverbs contains much practical daily advice.  Is this what Jesus was explaining as they walked along and their hearts burned within them?  We don’t actually know.  It was not fully developed in Luke, but you will find the author’s take on this event at
     Now we read the Song of Solomon, “I am my Beloved’s and He is mine.”  In Ecclesiastes, the futility of life without the Saviour is examined.  In Isaiah, an earthly type of Jesus is portrayed by Isaiah, “Here I am, Lord, send Me.”  Out of His ivory palaces: into a world of woe, the woe of the rebellion of Adam and Eve and the entry of sin into this woeful  world.  In Jeremiah and Lamentations, the crying and the weeping of the Prophet whose heart was broken by the sins of His People.  In Ezekiel, the seven fold Spirit of God.  Daniel describes a mighty man who would not forsake his upbringing.  He interpreted the future, inspired his companions to go through literal fire to avoid idol worship and himself prayed openly to his God regardless of consequences.  Does this sound at all like Jesus, the Son of God?  On and on, Jesus must have expounded His way through the Old Testament.
     Have I inspired in you the desire to acquire this book and begin to understand how Jesus must have developed their understanding of their Scriptures?  It is only as we see through the eyes of Jesus the meanings and message of His Holy Word that we will begin to understand, as did those two disciples on the way to Emmaus, the nature and the authority of God Himself.  Pick up this book today, available at and enrich your life as you either learn for the very first time, or renew your acquaintance with the Christ of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. brings you the finest in Christian literature and Bibles and is a supporter of Victory FM in Lynchburg, Virginia and other fine Christian organizations, such as SAT-7 Radio/TV, broadcasting in Arabic, Farsi, Pashto and other languages to the Arabic and Muslim world.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Insights into the Middle Eastern Mind

“Christian Books Change Lives”
It is important to understand the times in which we live.  If you had predicted even 20 years ago that one of the deadliest enemies of the United States was not the USSR, not communism, but the Muslim world, you would have been laughed out of the room.  We tend to forget that one of the earliest enemies of the young American republic were the Barbary pirates operating out of North Africa.

Modern day Islam, both by itself and acting through its agents, the Palestinians, Hezbollah and Hama is virulently anti-Christian and anti-Jewish in its teachings.  There has been much debate about whether or not mainstream Muslim doctrine advocates violence against the non-Muslim, but at least in word, if not in action, there is little or no tolerance for the non-Muslim world.  The term, “Jihad” has been interpreted in many ways, but clearly one of the most acted upon is that of all out warfare against the West and against Israel.

So, how do you learn more about the mindset and world view of the Muslim and the Palestianian world?  Well, you could read the Koran, or Quran as it is alternatively known.  Provided that you understood what you are reading you might come up with some idea.  Or, you could read one of several books now available on, which tell of former Muslims and former terrorists who have turned their backs on Islam and embraced Chrisitanity.

“Son of Hamas”, the biography of Mosab Hassan Yousef is the story of the eldest son of Sheikh Hassan Yousef, a founding member of Hamas and its most popular leader.  This man was raised within the camp of Hamas, considered to be one of the leading terrorist organizations in the Middle East.  Mosab, now known as Joseph, was converted to Christianity and now believes that the only key of peace in the Middle East is the Christian mandate to “love your enemies.”  “Son of Hamas” is available on  What a terrific way to understand the foundations of the historic struggle between the Jewish people and the Palestinians.

Another resource to understanding the mindset of the Palestinian and Muslim world is the book, “Once An Arafat Man” by author Saada Tass.  This man was a PLO sniper and one time chauffeur to Yasir Arafat. He heard the truth of the Gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ and was converted.  After moving to the United States and beginning a family, he risked retribution and death to return to his homeland and share his faith with his family and former boss.  Www.InHisHonor carries this book also.

A third resource is the book entitled, “My Enemy…My Brother” by Hanna Shahin.  This is the incredible  story of Hanna Shahin, a Palestinian boy raised in the old city of Jerusalem who was saved and transformed by the grace of God, then empowered to become a leading Christian broadcaster and an instrument of healing and redemption in the war-torn Middle East.  This book is also, of course, available on  

If you would like to become more knowledgeable about the mindset of Palestinians and the Muslim world, stop by today and select one or more of these resources.  You will be glad you did!

NEXT BLOG:  More resources specifically about Muslims and Islam.  Stay tuned, and tell your friends about this resource.

Don't Buy Him Another Tie This Father's Day!


This Father’s Day, get something for your father that he will use the rest of his life.  Buy him a book, or a DVD, something that will resonate within his spirit as he reads or views and listens.  The printed word is powerful and the slogan, “Christian books change lives” is never more true than it is today.

Which book?  Assuming you don’t have a large budget to work with, which book would you choose to show your Dad how much you appreciate his loving support and counsel while you were growing up?  Which book says, “I love you, Dad!” in ways that he will understand? has a wide range of books from which to choose, each appropriate to a situation which only you are the one to judge.

Let’s start with Fireproof.  Ironically, my first choice is not a book, rather it is a DVD.  This DVD features a hero that most men can easily identify with and imagine being.  The hero is a firefighter and has been awarded several times for outstanding bravery.  His marriage is falling apart, because what works on the fire line doesn’t always help at home.  Like most men, this firefighter is good at what he does, but not so good with the type of communication that holds a marriage together.  His wife is tired of the constant struggle and bickering and thinking about giving up.  Ouch, this sounds altogether too familiar to me!  I’m treading on ground that I don’t like to talk about, especially in public.  Want to see how the situation is resolved?  Buy the DVD, available from  and give it to Dad for Father’s Day.  He will thank you forever!
Success Secrets of the World’s Most Cynical Man is next on our featured list.  Wonder why I seem to be choosing books that nobody has ever heard about?  Like the old prospector once said, “there’s gold in them thar hills!”  There is fine gold in this book, which is about the wisest man who ever lived.  He actually ruminated and expressed his thoughts in one of the books of the Bible.  He lived a long time ago and did you notice I haven’t mentioned his name yet?  I won’t, either!  To put an end to this suspense, you will need to run on over to and make your purchase.  Dad has enough ties already; buy him this book instead. 
The next one of my recommends is a little bit touchy.  Be careful who you give it to and make sure you are not sending the wrong message.  It’s meant for that special man at a special time in his life, when he is having trouble putting either his past or someone else’s past behind him.  It is entitled, Total Forgiveness.  Total forgiveness is as spectacular as any miracle.  It is a radical message to a divided world.  Once again, this choice is a special choice for a special father who has been hurt and doesn’t seem to be able to work beyond that hurt.  Careful with this choice, so you won’t be the one he has to forgive. J
Radical by David Platt is a book that will make your Dad think.  David Platt was a well known minister who one day realized that while he was building a megachurch, his example was a man who started with twelve followers during the most effective years of his ministry.  He asked himself, “what is wrong with this picture?”  I personally found this to be a most startling admission.  Most well known ministers in my experience never admit to these types of thoughts, at least not in public.  Radical is available on  Shocked you, didn’t I?

The last book I would like to review is not yet available on, but will be very shortly, probably at least a week before Father’s Day.  It is well worth waiting for, even if you were to order it and have it arrive late.  The title is The Complete Person and it is written by one of the best Bible teachers I have every listened to.  This pastor, early in my experience with him always encouraged his listeners to “search the Scriptures and see for yourself, if it is so.”  We were never to take what he expounded at it’s face value without checking for ourselves.  The Complete Person addresses the shortcomings that keep ordinary Christians from developing maturity in Christ.  As Christians, we are to be consistently maturing and growing in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christi.  This book will be available before Father’s Day, so keep looking.

Any of the above books would be a worthy replacement for a new tie for Dad, but I don’t want to leave out one of the most important books that we sell on  The Bible is available in many formats, more than a few translations and paraphrases.  It is available in its entirety or in portions.  It is available in devotional form and visual format.  The Bible is eternal.  Reading it will do your father more good than any medicine, any book or anything known to mankind.  It will make him the type of Dad that he will be proud of, the type of Dad that will make his mark on this world.  The Bible tranforms lives, it acts like a mirror, showing us the true condition of our hearts; it exposes the inner motives of a person.  The Bible is the only trustworthy document showing how to access God.  The B-I-B-L-E: yes, that’s the Book for me!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Who We Are and Where We are Going

“Christian Books Change Lives”

What exactly is  It is an organization, in this case an online Christian book, Bible and supplies distributor that is dedicated to the principle quoted in the New Testament book of Colossians, chapter 3, verse 17.  This verse states, “whatever you do, in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the God the Father through Him.”  It is a principle meant to guide the working and business relationships of Christians, those who declare that they are a follower of Jesus Christ and back up this declaration with their actions.  is, as stated, an online Christian Bible, book and supplies store which endeavors to serve the Christian community by supplying, at a reasonable cost, those items deemed essential by individuals, churches and church administrators and anybody else needing a particular item.  The store offers communion supplies, home and décor items meant to enhance a Christ-like environment, church and Sunday School and vacation Bible school supplies, supplies for the Spanish speaking community and some unusual but high quality items such as books about the American Girl historical dolls. also offers supplies for the homeschooling parent, Christian entertainment in the form of DVDs, music and movies and games and leisure items.  The store also purveys Christian jewelry and accessories.  We carry boxed greeting cards, items dealing with photos and memories, stationery and calendars and technical/electronic items.  We feature canvas prints by P. Graham Dunn, candles for all occasions and outdoor/garden items.

We carry beauty and skin care items, soaps and hand creams.  We have BeeLieve products and skin care products by Thistle Farms. carries a large selection of software, including many study guides to help you think through popular books like Charlotte’s Web, Heart of Darkness and the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.  We  carry software for language study, especially suited to home-schooling parents.  In essence, we carry some of this and some of that.  We are not the last word in Christian resources, but rather a good starting point.  Hopefully, you will begin your search with us and what we do not have, we will willingly direct you onward.  We are a resource for Christians and their organizations.

What are we not?   We are not probably the least expensive source for Christian material and supplies.  After all, we are confident that the value which we present in will be evident to you as you place your order and we believe that “the worker is worthy of his/her/its hire.”  Paul reminded Timothy in his epistle to Timothy that the ox was not muzzled as it tread the grain and threshed the grain for its owner.  This store is our livelihood.  However, we do seek to provide a valuable service for a quality and well thought out price.  We do not seek enrichment at your expense.  We will guard your value and deem it as we do our own.

We are not yet well known.  It is the desire and hope of to one day rise to the first or second page in every search engine as such phrases as, “Christian books change lives”, or the phrase “Christian books and supplies”  is sought.  Search engine optimization (SEO) is used to promote our work.  We strive to remain current and improve our knowledge of the internet in order to serve you better.

We are not the only Christian bookstore online.  Much to the owner’s chagrin, while contacting churches in the area where we are located, it was discovered that some larger churches have their own online resources.  We do not seek to interfere or displace any of these quality organizations.  We believe that there is room for what we seek to provide: quality Christian resources at a reasonable price.

We are not finished.  We are making improvements everyday.  We are continually adding new product and product lines.  We seek to promote books by local ministers, the very first of which will be a book entitled, “The Complete Person” by Dr. Thomas Gulbronson.  This pastor was very instrumental in the founding of our online Christian bookstore.  He married us (to each other) twenty nine (29) years ago.  You might say if he had not done his job, we would not be where we are today to serve you and your needs and desires.  A shout out to “Pastor Tom”!!  Thank you for your godly counsel and your Biblically sound teaching that guided us through many years.

So, what exactly is   We provide the answer every time you look us up on the Web, every time you tell your neighbor about us, every time you listen to WRVL, the broadcasting arm of Liberty University, heard throughout Virginia and North Carolina, which we support.  We provide the answer when you decide to trust us with your hard earned resources.  We are www.InHisHonor, serving Jesus Christ until the day when Gabriel blows his mighty trumpet.  We would be honored to serve you.

“Christian Books Change Lives”

American Girl Dolls

Books about AMERICAN GIRL DOLLS – The Legend in the Making
Thus far, this blog has been largely about books, usually a single book reviewed each time.  Now it’s time to expand our coverage.  Did you know that carries American Girl doll books?  Yep, it’s true…you can now read about Molly, Kirsten, Samantha, Addy and Felicity, which were the first five dolls produced by the Pleasant Company.   In fact, every American Girl doll book is available  and you can buy their books, singly or the entire series on 

How did American Girl dolls come to be?  When was the company founded and what was the idea behind it?  In 1986, the most popular dolls you could buy were the Cabbage Patch dolls and Barbie.  A lady named Pleasant Rowland, a teacher by trade, accompanied her husband on a business trip to Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia.  She had been thinking for some time of a suitable doll for her nieces and was not impressed with the choices available.  Many of you will remember the Cabbage Patch dolls as quite ugly, if lovable.  Barbie was not a good choice unless you wanted to raise an anemic daughter who always entertained playboys.  While in Williamsburg she noticed the emphasis on American history and thought to herself, “why not a doll that combines history with all American appeal”… and the Pleasant Company was born.

The three original dolls were Kirsten Larsen, a pioneer girl from 1854: Samantha Parkington, a girl of the pre- World War I era and Molly McIntire, a girl living in 1944 whose daddy was off to war.  They were followed five years later by Felicity Merriman, a colonial girl of 1774 and then two years after that by Addy Walker, a black Civil War era girl.  Each of these dolls modeled a fictional nine year old who practiced appropriate behavior for that period.  The goal of Pleasant Rowland, the company’s founder was to teach as well as to enjoy.  Appropriate furniture and furnishings were made to go with each doll and a series of books were written to detail their adventures.  Those books may be found today on
Next week, the 13th American Girl Doll store will be unveiled in Tysons Corner, Virginia.  The official grand opening is on June 18th and 19th.  You and your doll may attend.  When you get tired of shopping, you can go to lunch or dinner, with your American Girl doll, of course.  A party room is available for birthday celebrations.  You may also visit a doll T-shirt making studio and a hair salon.  What would you do in the hair salon?  Why, pick a ‘do from the 22 styles available, of course!  Future events are planned.
Are you looking for a good starting point to enter the American Girl doll market?  Why not start when your daughter, niece, granddaughter or other young female of your acquaintance begins to read?   The dolls themselves and their furniture and accessories can be quite costly.   Introduce them early to the American Girl doll books, which tell the story of each of the historical dolls and at a much more reasonable price.  As previously mentioned you’ll meet Kirsten, a pioneer girl of 1854.  How many character building situations do you think Kirsten found herself in?  What parallels do you suppose a girl who lives today, whose Daddy (or Mommy) is off to war in Iraq or Afghanistan might find in Molly, whose father was involved in WW II?  And what better opportunity to teach about the civil injustice and the resolution of racial issues during the Civil War than a book about Addy, a runaway slave girl?

Start your girls early and let them begin to learn the lessons and history embedded in the American Girl doll collection.  Start today.   Purchase books about each of the historical dolls at Then at the appropriate age, when they acquire the doll of their choice they will prize her and value her that much higher.  Use the books to teach history, to teach character and to open prized “teachable moments” with your child when they ask life-altering questions.  Each book is well researched and well written, presented in an attractive binding.  Each book will be treasured by the recipient and will be the foundation for future learning.  Each book will contain character building events, the kind that nine year olds face every day.  Use attractive history to teach, to build and to involve your girls.

Did I mention that a handmade school desk, constructed with real wood and screwed together is also available?  Not even available from the American Girl doll store, this desk comes complete with a tiny stack of wooden books, especially crafted for your American Girl doll.  Set your American Girl doll in this school desk and imagine teaching her the ABC’s or instructing her in the rudiments of reading, writing and ‘rithmetic.  Your young lady will treasure this desk and the books that you made available to her through the auspices of  Visit us today!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Finger of God - The DVD

“Christian Books Change Lives”
“In My Father’s House are many mansions;  if it were not true, I would have told you so!”  This portion of a verse from the Gospel of John is also a line in a popular Christian hymn.  What does this mean to you? Or, if I could phrase this differently, how many different nationalities/people groups will be represented in Heaven?
In the United States today, largely as a result of our public school upbringing, we are, most of us, very American-centric.  To us, the world revolves around the United States.  We are, after all, a very wealthy nation.   We are probably the world’s leading consumer of petroleum and energy.  In our storied past, we put down tyrants, like Saddam Hussein, Adolph Hitler and originally, old King George himself.  During the Vietnam era, we acted like the world’s policeman.  And until recently, study of languages other than English was not really encouraged.  Instead, we insist that other nationalities which come to the United States learn English.   We are the great melting pot and proud of it.  None of this is entirely wrong; it’s just that we don’t often think of other peoples as co-Christians, we tend to think of them more as missions projects.
Finger of God, the DVD is one of the most popular items in at the present and that is good.  It is the story, seen through one producer’s eyes, of miracles around the world.  As the producer says, “on the surface it’s about the miraculous.  However, at its core it is about the heart of God.  It’s about how He views us and how He is desperate for a relationship with us.  He places His finger on our lives….”, hence the title.  Finger of God is good in another sense in that it opens our minds and our hearts to what is happening outside of American Christianity and to a lesser extent, inside as well.
One of the more intriguing elements is entitled, “Manna in the Pentagon.”  Now if there were ever a place that needs God’s influence, it is our military’s headquarters!  Just kidding, actually.   We need God’s influence in every aspect of our daily lives, especially our own.  There is also footage of the Chinese underground church, stories about Eastern European gypsies and African children who perform miracles on a daily basis.  How about the fact that one of Saddam Hussein’s former palaces is now a church?  Wouldn’t you like to read THAT story!
Finger of God, the DVD is available as close as your mailbox and your computer at  It is one of many items that tell us, the Christian community about the workings of the Church outside our boundaries.  Safely Home, by Randy Alcorn is another of these other-centric items.  This one is a book, fictional to be sure but based on real life.  Have you ever wondered how the Church, the Body of Jesus Christ, continues to not only exist, but thrive in such a closed and hostile,  anti-Christian society such as China?  Read Safely Home, you will never feel the same way again about going to church and doing the kind of Christian activities we take for granted.
EpiCenter by Joel Rosenberg is another book available at  Have you ever wondered how in the world Christianity can survive in the face of Islam?  The public face of Islam in the last 10-15 years has been terrorism and aggressive growth and evangelism.  Would it surprise you to know that there are vibrant Christian fellowships active in the Muslim world, in places like Iran.  There is no place on the face of this earth that is not visited by the Holy Spirit, often in the form of radio ministries such as SAT-7 and PAR 7.  They produce and distribute materials in Farsi, Pashtun, Arabic and other prominent Asian languages for adults and children.  Their offices receive mail daily telling of changed lives.   I  personally receive a montly newsletter entitled, Ministry to Muslims.  There is much activity going on all over the world, directed by God Himself, “who is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
It is no longer, nor has it truthfully ever been, all about us. is here to serve you and help you learn more about the body of Christ.   Open up your browser today and find us on your computer!  Christian books change lives!  They really do!

Communion Supplies - The Un-Book Review

Communion Supplies – The Un-Book Review
(Christian Books Change Lives)
Ok, this is a little embarrassing, but sometimes you’ve just got to bury your pride, raise the white flag and yes, write about things other than books, on an otherwise book filled, book review blog.  Why, you may ask?  It’s all about SEO and I promise to open that dark little secret to the first comment on this blog.  Otherwise, it’s my secret. is a full service Christian Bible, book and supply store.  For that reason, we carry other items than just Bibles and books.  One of those categories is communion supplies.  Looking for wafer trays, for example?  We have them, in brass-tone, silver-tone, silver-plate, solid brass and something called Bio-Krome.  Looking for communion trays, that hold those little plastic communion glasses?  We have those, too.  How about the wafers?  Sure, we carry those in stock and of course, don’t forget the grape juice.  It’s in there, too.  We also carry supplies for those congregations who use a loaf of bread or a piece of a loaf of bread in lieu of the more commonly used wafers.  Do we have the bread, too?  Yes we do.  And we have napkins and other service items, as well.  And most important, there is a buyer’s guide that will take you through the order process step by step.  By the way, if you need to purchase portable communion kits, they are available.  In short, we try to carry everything you will need for communion.

At this point, you’ve become a little bolder.  Sure, you may carry communion supplies, you say, “ but I’ll bet you don’t have robes, do you?”  Ah, but we do!  First of all, we carry quite a selection of baptismal robes, for ladies, men and children.  Then we carry clerical robes, or albs as they may be alternatively labeled, again for ladies and men and a bit of a color selection for the female minister.  We also carry shirts for the male clergyman.  I’m a little disappointed to report that we don’t carry choir robes, at least as near as I can tell, but I hope to have that problem addressed soon.  Please let me know if you are in need of these and I will do my best to help.

We have anointing oils, banners and flags, badges to identify the various service positions like ushers and parking lot monitors, baptism supplies, church candles and offering and usher supplies.  We carry church bulletins, a very large assortment from which to choose, certificates, forms, postcards and pew cards.  On, Christian books may change lives, but without items like charts and  maps and a combined 83 pages of VBS and Sunday school supplies, our administrative tasks would never be complete.  We are indeed a very well equipped Christian Bible, book and supply store.  Do we have the popular VeggieTales series?  Yes, indeedy, we do!  Like Staples(a brand of office supply stores) says, “that was easy!”

You know, it’s kind of hard to be enthusiastic about church supplies, unless you are the administrator who must be concerned with stockage, but just like any well-equipped army, whose supply officers must keep track of beans and bullets, our church organizations must spend a great deal of time and money ensuring that God’s money is spent wisely.  Whew…that’s a run-on sentence worthy of Paul, himself!  But it is true.  If you are the one tasked with acquiring supplies, why not visit and see for yourself?  We’ve got it all (well almost all) and we’ve got it at a very good (well, reasonable) price and most importantly, we want to serve you.  And most importantly, and I have saved the very best for last, if your order is sufficiently large, we can deal on price.  YES, WE CAN DEAL ON PRICE!!!  Simply contact me by telephone, at 571.426.2719 and I will give you a code to enter, which will give you an additional discount, once you have reached a threshold amount. would like to thank you for the honor of serving you, the Christian community and we hope you will visit us soon.  And for those of you fortunate enough to be within the listening area of WRVL, the radio voice of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, don’t forget to follow us on WRVL.  Although not Liberty U grads, we thank WRVL and Liberty for changing the lives of so many people throughout the commonwealth of Virginia, the state of North Carolina and the world.  We appreciate the ministry of the late Dr. Jerry Falwell and the ongoing ministries of his sons and daughter, Jonathan and Jerry, Jr., respectively and his surgeon daughter.   And let’s not forget Mother Falwell, who continues to contribute in her role as mother, and wife and supporter of her late husband.  Amazingly, Dr. Falwell’s father was a notorious atheist, but God caught Jerry at a very early age and through him influenced a mighty portion of Christendom for the better.