This will be short. I wondered last week after losing 7+ pounds if I could keep it up.
Today I went to a doctor's appointment for something unrelated . Since it was my first visit, they had to collect all the biographical data, insurance, allergies ,medications, etc. You also get weighed and get your blood pressure taken.
Unbelievable!!! My blood pressure was 121/70. Three weeks ago it was more like 135/89. My resting pulse was 74, I think. Kind of hard to read the machine over my shoulder. And I now weigh 295. I lost another almost seven pounds!!!!
I want to tell the world!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
I Feel Good!
Something to Feed the Body, So the Body Can Feed the Soul
(it is true that Christian books do change lives!)
If you had told me a month ago that I could do something so dramatic about my life, I would have scarcely believed you. But I did do something so dramatic and so drastic, that I believe I will have to use this space to tell you. My latest discovery is not a book, in fact has nothing to do with books, but I believe that it will impact my life in a way that is just as dramatic and in fact may very well prolong my life.
I am a fat person. In fact, by any definition I am a very fat person. The medical term is morbidly obese. And I feel stuck. I have been feeling stuck since I realized that I was fat and that I didn’t have the will power to deal effectively with the issue of being very, very fat. You see, I love (at least I did love) soda drinks like Coke and Pepsi and root beer. My idea of a good nutritious snack was a handful of cookies and a nice, tall cool glass of milk, 2% of course. I never saw a cookie that I could pass up; in fact on my breaks, I would wander over to the Safeway next door and pick up a couple of free cookies from the bakery counter. I think they put them out because they were starting to become dated, but do you think I cared? They were free and boy, were they good!
When I met my wife, twenty nine years ago, I was in fighting trim, literally. I had just graduated from Officer Candidate School and I weighed 185 pounds on graduation and was six feet tall. She thought she was pledging her life and her future to a man who would always stay in good shape. Was she ever mistaken! I didn’t do it on purpose, but once I left the military and started civilian life, four years after we got married, I began to neglect my body. Exercise became sporadic, eating became a good substitute for relieving tension, you know, all the same old excuses.
Speaking of old, I am currently 56 years old. I weigh, or did weigh, 308.8 pounds or thereabouts and I stand 5’ 11” tall. I think my body shrunk an inch from all the weight it has been carrying. And I had decided somewhere along the way that I was stuck. I was never going to lose weight. I was always going to be fat for the rest of my life. If you are currently over weight or have recently been over weight, I think you know what I mean.
Since I became aware that I was losing the battle of the Bulge, I have been trying to lose weight. I joined Bally’s and went for a while. I tried pushing a shopping cart, then two, then three shopping carts while I walked around the perimeter of our local Safeway. I tried walking period, up hills or for timed periods. Borrrrrring! I tried Ultra Slimfast. I lost some weight, but was a little disconcerted when I wondered what the green color was in the bottom of the glass. I never tried personal training because that costs money which is somewhat scarce. I’m sure I tried other things which I have forgotten. I also recently joined L.A. Fitness and then dropped my membership about six months later when I felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere. I briefly considered re-enlisting so I could go back through basic training, but the Army doesn’t want you when you’re over 45. I also thought about bariatric surgery, until my insurance company told me I wasn't a good candidate, yet.
Nowhere in this list above do you see me limiting my intake of some very fattening foods. I grew up on a dairy farm and I love milk! My wife gave up getting me to limit my intake. Just like you can be an alcoholic, I found out you can be a milkaholic. I dropped down to 2% and thought I was doing good. Of course, I still sometimes drank a gallon of milk a day, but not always. You already know how I feel about cookies and sodas. I also love donuts of course. Who doesn’t? And on and on and on. Where does it stop?
Then about six months ago I ran into a man who told me about Herbalife. Now if you have heard of Herbalife, don’t tune me out yet. I pre-judged this company because I thought it was pretty much like Amway. And it wasn’t until I got desperate enough to listen that I realized that it might make a difference in my future. But I wasn’t ready yet. Every so often this guy would show up at my workplace and I would give Herbalife another 15 seconds of my consideration. Then about two weeks ago, it happened.
I decided I need to do something about my weight. I think my wife had given up. She loves me, but she well knows how stubborn I am, after almost 30 years of marriage. I think she had decided she was going to have to make do with a fat husband. I’m not sure. All I can tell you for sure was how I felt. I felt hopeless. I decided that I was probably going to be fat, overweight, morbidly obese for the rest of my probably shortened life. I avoided going to doctors because I didn’t want to hear about my cholesterol, my blood pressure, my weight, etc. Although I did attend one doctor’s weight loss seminar which was actually advertising their product, which is probably well and good but I didn’t see it working for me. I have just plain given up. I expected to be fat.
What changed my mind was that I decided to meet this guy from Herbalife at his office and sign up to try the product. It didn’t look too complicated. I don’t have time for complicated. I work long stressful hours, I take care of my wife, who is disabled and I am also the housekeeper/cleaner/cook whenever that gets done. But when I decided to try the product I also decided if I am going to spend money to lose weight I am going to have to cut out certain types of food. I think my Herbalife friend mentioned something about this, but however it happened, I decided to go “cold turkey” on Sodas, Cookies, Donuts, Cake and Candy. And I did. I have not touched one of these products, except to hand something to my wife in the last two weeks. I walk past cookies and donuts at work and other than giving them a hungry glance…..nothing. And I did one more rather large change. I no longer drink milk wholesale. I use 1% in my twice a day shakes, using Herbalife Formula 1 powder. Each shake uses 8 oz. of milk. A gallon lasts me a week now.
For me…..the results have been life-changing and earth-shattering. Something very simple happened that I have long ago decided was not possible. I LOST WEIGHT!!!! Seven pounds and seven ounces to be exact, in one week. I was 308.8 when I started and when I weighed a week later, I was 301.1. WOW!!!
Now you might think that this is much ado about nothing. But try telling that to a fat person. Of course I know that I must keep this up and I can’t go back to my old habits. But for the first time in a very long time, I have hope that I can. I am no longer doomed to be fat forever. My wife can have a husband that will love her and cherish her, and most importantly live long enough to take care of her. I can have back my self-respect. It feels so good! I’ll try to remember this small triumph as I persevere on, to my goal of losing at least 100 pounds.
And I will keep you posted. Today is the middle of August. Keep an eye on this space as I continue to lose weight, through September, through October, through November and December and beyond.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Radical (dare to be different)
Because “Christian Books Change Lives!”
How often do you see the word, “radical” used in the context of Christianity? Not very often in modern day America. Most people who have read the book of Acts would recognize this word, but at least in the churches that I have grown up in and visited, “business as usual” is a better description. It seems that once we have been saved by a belief in the life changing blood of Jesus Christ, an event that is radical in every sense of the word, we are somehow lulled or maybe I should say content, to just sit back and observe.
Now to be fair, there are those churches and people out there who are making things happen. One such person is an evangelist in my church named G.M. He and his wife and a group from our church have just returned from a missions trip to Africa and report observing hundreds give their lives to Jesus during a several weeks campaign. Yes, they are experiencing “radical”. But most of us, myself included are living a rather mundane existence. Jesus is a part of our lives, but only a small part and life pretty much just goes on as usual.
How many of you reading this review ever wonder, is this how the Christian life is supposed to be? I didn’t much, at least lately, until I read Radical by David Platt. This book is available at David is the senior minister of a church in Birmingham, Alabama. Reading this book is like reading a modern day book of Acts.
David begins his book by making a rather bold statement. He says, and I am paraphrasing here: I realized one day that I was trying to build a mega-church that had thousands of followers and my role model was a man who spent his entire earthly ministry driving people away. Now this is the very first time that I have heard a minister question the possibility that maybe numbers are not that important! Like you do probably, I watch preachers on TV and at least some of them pan the camera around their facility and you see lots and lots of people. In Christianity these days, it seems pretty accepted that bigger is better. I see no reason to point fingers at this point and name names. We all know what I am talking about and no one ministry is any better than any other. And we just assume that each ministry is trying to glorify God. But what are we getting for our money?
David says, “Nothing!” And he is too close to right to be comfortable. Where are the miracles that we see in the book of Acts? Where is the hunger for God, for His Holy Spirit, for His Word that we see in the book of Acts? Where is the burning desire in the hearts and actions of ordinary Christians like you and life me to make a difference in our world? Where is the sacrifice? We aren’t called to make a spectacle of ourselves and call attention to our sufferings or our giving, but where, oh where, is the difference that we are called to be? Are we the salt and light that Jesus mentioned in the Gospels? The salt that has lost its savor is fit only to be trampled underfoot, Jesus said. That only too well describes my saltiness.
Radical will do one of two things in your life. When you read this book, you will experience a hunger that you have not felt in a while. You will feel your heart stirred as you read the words that David penned. And then one of two things will happen. You will either get off your butt and begin to seek God and seek opportunities to see His movings or you will fall back into your complacency. And it will be very hard to find a middle ground between the two. Radical will challenge you, probably like you have never been challenged before, but then you have to decide: do I want to continue to be “radical” or am I willing to settle for ordinary?
Radical is a message for you, Christian of today and it is a message that you need to take heed to. But how will you take action unless you receive. And how will you receive unless you hear it first. And how will you hear it first unless you have access to it. You will find Radical by David Platt at Find it today and let your heart be stirred as you read that Jesus, the mighty earth-shattering Jesus of the Gospels is alive and well. He is just waiting for you to take Him at His Word.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
One of the most difficult of childhood behaviors about which parents must cope, must be autism. When a child has autism, at least in its most common forms, he/she is literally confined inside behaviors which appear to be anti-social. The child usually does not respond, at least not in common ways to stimuli such as touch and talk. It appears as though the child is ignoring you. Not only coping with this behavior, but managing to maintain a positive perspective and outlook requires in some cases extreme optimism, or a belief in miracles. This book, "Unlocked" is about such an individual. You will find “Unlocked” by Karen Kingsbury at
Karen Kingsbury shows a remarkable ability to get inside the heads of the characters about which she writes. In this book, “Unlocked” she writes about a young man in high school by the name of Holden. Holden, in typical autistic fashion is very withdrawn and functions in fact in his own little world. His autism is thought by his family to have been caused by an incident which happened when he was a child. He apparently lived a normal life until this event, as evidenced by the fact that he was best friends as a child with Ella, a neighbor . Ella is now a very popular cheerleader attending the same high school as Holden and a thoughtful, committed Christian.
One day, Ella discovers Holden being mocked and abused by a group of high schoolers. She determines to befriend Holden and only after making this decision, realizes that Holden and she were friends as children. Nevertheless, she is determined to reach inside Holden and discover, or re-discover, exactly what will make Holden come out of his shell. Ella is the star of the varsity play being performed by the drama department. The drama teacher is determined that this play will be long remembered as the highlight of his teaching career. He is very demanding and has no time for someone such as Holden.
Quite by happenstance, Holden one day hears some of the music being performed for this play and stops to listen on his way to class. The drama teacher notices Holden and in a manner quite characteristic of all of us, shoos him away. The teacher never even dreams that Holden could act in such a play and simply does not want to be bothered. I found so much of human nature in this book, it was painful. I thought to myself, how many times have I walked by someone with whom I should have interacted, only to be scared off with the problems involved in how to interact with them. We have all been there. Think of some person you know who is mentally retarded, shy, emotionally disturbed, and yes, autistic. Most of us hurry on our way, much like the priest and the Levite in the story of the Good Samaritan.
Ella does not. She decides to try to reach out to Holden. She notices rather early that Holden loves music. He used to sing songs to her all the time when they were childhood friends. Holden has never forgotten how to sing. His ability is cloaked, but not to Ella. She convinces the very straightforward and impatient drama teacher that Holden should be allowed to try out not only for the play, but for the leading male role in the play, which requires considerable singing. Slowly, the drama teacher and Ella, with infinite patience, are able to convince Holden to try and then to succeed, in this leading, singing male role.
What makes this book stand out and also makes it eminently worth reading is that this book celebrates the little person in life. Holden was never destined to be President, nor a Supreme Court Justice. He would never write well known books. He was not a star athlete. Holden is Everyman/Everyboy who is not special. Not only is Holden not special, he is handicapped and therefore destined to be pitied, and of course shunned by the mainstream. But one person recognized the human being in Holden, one high school girl of faith and when she determined with God’s help to befriend Holden, the results were miraculous. Karen Kingsbury once again has done a superb job of making human characteristics come to life. is proud to feature authors like Karen Kingsbury.
Holden came out of his shell, learned the lead male role in a major play and began the difficult process of an autistic individual of re-integrating into society. What a treasure Karen Kingsbury has created! If like me, you treasure the works of God to rehabilitate humans with a spark of the divine, you will marvel as you read.
In a personal note, I grew up with three mentally handicapped brothers. Although I was far from unselfish, I learned to treasure my brothers for who they were and to acknowledge that God holds a special place in His heart for those whom He has so equipped. I related very powerfully to the story of Holden in “Unlocked” because I saw many of the same characteristics in my brothers, although they didn’t ultimately have the same potential as Holden.
At, we have an entire library of books, fiction and non-fiction, which admirably tell the story of God’s love, as related in books like “Unlocked”. I would encourage you to browse our website at your earliest convenience. We all need encouragement. We can all find it at, where “Christian Books Change Lives.” See you soon!
The Atonement Child by Francine Rivers
This novel, by popular author Francine Rives, features a likable young woman named Dynah. She could be anybody’s daughter, pursuing an education at a Christian college far from home. By choice, she attended a college in the suburban Chicago area, having moved there from her parents’ home in California. We can all identify with the desire to establish our own life.
On the way home one evening, back to her dorm on the college campus, Dynah is raped and as a result becomes pregnant. One of the hardest things to read in this book is to read how easily her fiancée, a committed young man who was studying for the ministry, encouraged her to have an abortion. To him, the baby was a monster, conceived in violence and tragedy and therefore, not a living human being with a spirit and a soul.
Dynah struggled throughout the book with the lack of support, from first her fiancĂ©e, then the Dean of the college, and finally, her parents and well-meaning friends. She wavered on the edge of having an abortion, despite her upbringing, and with the active encouragement of her parents. She went so far as to visit an abortion clinic and after counseling, fled in panic as God’s Spirit dealt with her in compassion and entreaty. However, in the end, she decided against having the abortion, even as she struggled with the practical matters such as how to support a child. Of course, of no little concern was how she would be viewed in her church circles, as someone who was tainted. Not a few would view her as having had illicit sex with her fiancĂ© or some other sordid happening.
How do you deal with problems when confronted with a difficult personal issue? I found this book altogether so believable in terms of how individuals react in crisis. Although I have never been pregnant and thus cannot even begin to feel what it is like to have another life in my body, I watched with fascination as Dynah struggled with various ideas. She wondered to herself throughout the book, “how do I feel about this baby, this thing growing in my body?” Is this baby, the product of violent rape, is this baby a real human being? Should I keep this baby or is it OK to have this violence aborted from my body? How could I possibly love this baby that was forced on me? On and on the questions come.
What Dynah does not know, having never been told, is that her mother and grandmother struggled with the same issues. Her mother actually had an abortion and later married another man. She thought that this issue had been dealt with long ago, only to find out that new resentment and feelings of unworthiness surfaced as she heard about her daughter’s rape. Talk about the curse that crosses generations! Dynah’s mother struggled anew with her own decision to have an abortion before Dynah was born, a sibling that Dynah never knew. Dynah’s fiancĂ©e, thankfully, mercifully disappears early on. I personally was ashamed of the entire male species, based on his behavior. In his place, his roommate, a redeemed former gang member named Joe, takes an interest in Dynah.
Dynah left her Christian college in shame and moved back home. I could not help but cringe as throughout the book those who should have been her strongest supporters, instead became her detractors. It made me wonder exactly what many of those who face this choice of aborting a baby today go through. This book, more than almost any other book I have read, including the very first book I reviewed, entitled “unplanned,” brought home to me the very real heartbreak faced by those women who meet rape and abortion, and perhaps both together, face to face. You see, it is true. Christian books do change lives! Christian books are not a substitute for the Bible, but they are a great resource for thinking Christians who want to explore the great issues of this age.
The author made this novel invaluable and quite believable by giving us a glimpse inside the abortion clinic that Dynah visited. We see the turmoil going on in the doctor who performs the abortions and why he made his decision to do so. We see the hard-hearted attitude of the clinic director who sees only the great profit available in performing abortions and not the great tragedy that lies behind. In short, we see all sides of this great pressing social and spiritual issue of our time. The question of abortion has not been satisfactorily resolved yet and perhaps never will be. The Christian who studies, believes and faithfully reads the Bible as the Word of God will recognize, or course, that abortion is wrong. There is somewhat legitimate concern that the child of rape could be tainted. But in this novel, as in real life, God values human life and honors those who do the same.
This book, “The Atonement Child” by Francine Rivers is available at Christian Books do indeed change lives. Read this book today for a fresh and vivid look at this pressing current social and spiritual issue: when and where, if ever, should abortion be a valid consideration in the life of a Christian woman?
Saturday, July 2, 2011
An Educated Citizenry
“An educated citizenry, not the right to bear arms, is the worst kind of threat to tyrants, dictators and repressive governments everywhere.” Who said that? The answer will be stated farther along in this article. J
This Fourth of July, why not celebrate by ordering one or more of these excellent books for your family? If it is true that an educated citizenry makes tyrants tremble, what are we doing to educate ourselves and our families about our godly heritage as a nation?
How many believers have bought into the notion that the United States is not founded upon religious principles? Were there or were there not a group of men who by and large acknowledged the presence and purposeful acts of an omnipotent God? It is popular today to suppose that the United States just happened. Was there no move to escape religious persecution : were there no entreaties to God for protection, for healing and for safety? What do you think, Mister and Mrs. Educated Amerian? Was it a happenstance that believers set sail into hostile seas, endured a month- longs journey and discovered a sparsely inhabited land teeming with resources? Was it happenstance that the United States was formed at this time in history and endured such internal struggles as the Civil War, the entire question of the morality of slavery, the terror of the Indian massacres of the early 19th century and hundreds of other less publicized, localized problems?
Not so long ago, our religious heritage was taught openly and none doubted. However these days, for example you will no longer find a copy of the Mayflower Compact, a very important document penned even earlier than the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. So how will you educate yourself and find out about all these resources that are available? Look no further than, a Christian online bookstore specializing in the biblical heritage of early America.
The first item I would like to recommend is “America’s Godly Heritage” by David Barton. This DVD explains how prominent religious teaching was in the American school system prior to 1963. What happened in 1963? If you are not sure, get the DVD. It will give you much to think about. Barton also authored a book entitled, “Four Centuries of American Education,” available as well on He wrote a book about Ben Franklin, a quirky man about whom many have argued as to his religious background. Did you know that it was Franklin who suggested that the Continental Congress pray prior to a very important decision? A CD –ROM by David Barton contains six early books penned by John Jay, a prominent early jurist and Supreme Court Justice. Barton is a very prolific writer, but I would like to conclude this comment on his works by noting “Original Intent: The Courts, the Constitution and Religion”. This scholarly yet easy read references actual court cases and includes a copy of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence in the back of the book. Don’t leave David Barton out of your library!
Did I mention that you can purchase a copy of the New England Primer, the first textbook printed in the United States and one that was used into the early 20th century? A fascinating and relatively short paperback, this primer taught many of the Founding Fathers and their children. It is full of the wisdom gleaned from the Scriptures and yet was used as a public school textbook! What did its users know that we have perhaps forgotten?
Have you ever heard of “From Sea to Shining Sea”? This book is the second in a series by Peter Marshall, son of the famed U.S. Senate Chaplain, the Reverend Peter Marshall. Peter Marshall(the son) is deceased but his books live on: they include the “The Light and the Glory” and “Sounding Fourth the Trumpet” the third in the series. I was first introduced to the documented fact that the terrible Indian massacres of the early years of the United States were actively suppressed during times of great spiritual stirring. It seems that when early settlers turned to God, He gave them years of peace, even in the midst of hostile tribes, and when they forgot God, terrible things happened. That historical and documented occurrence ought to give us great pause as we contemplate the spiritual temperature of the United States today. Yes, you will find these three books at Yes, it is true that Christian books change lives.
What other influential and life changing books might you find in our online Christian bookstore? Why don’t you come see for yourself? We are as close as your computer. These days, we may be as close as your smartphone. I have accessed the bookstore myself many times on my HTC G2 from T-Mobile. With pinch to zoom features, I can easily read and even order on my smartphone. But the point is, these resources are easily available. If you live close to a public library, you may have access to computers there. is widely available and has many books, CDs and DVDs that will meet your literary needs.
The quote at the beginning of this blog about educated citizenry: I made it up. I believe I combined several quotes. Does anybody recognize where it came from? I would like to know myself!
Friday, July 1, 2011
The Romance Disguised
The Romance
Dan was in love. Since grade school, or what passed for grade school in those days, he had known that he would marry Christina someday. Each day at recess, they spent the brief time talking, sharing their day. Many times during the school day, one or the other would look up only to catch the other gazing in their direction. It was as though they were destined to be each other’s soul mate.
The days became weeks and the weeks, months. Months passed and then years. Dan admired his father and wanted to follow in his footsteps. His father enjoyed working with his hands. He was known far and wide as a master craftsman. “If you want furniture that makes a statement, but will not wear out, you want (Dan’s father) to make it for you,” they said. Dan was usually within earshot of these remarks and the decision of what to become when he grew up was easy. What man doesn’t seek such a role model and what better role model than the man from whom you have life?
Christina grew up in a traditional home also. As a young girl she watched her mother raise her younger siblings and how natural her mother seemed! Deep within her heart she longed to hold a little one of her own as she watched her mother and that longing grew until she knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is what she desired in life. Because she was raised in a godly and moral family, Christina knew that she would one day be a mother, but she also knew that she must follow the accepted practice. We once knew this as a quaint rhyme: “First comes loves, than comes marriage, then comes Baby and a baby carriage.” A godly young woman, it never occurred to Christina to question, nor divert from this progression.
Does this sound like any book you have ever read? Two young people who grow up together as children, and grow together as teenagers? Somehow the story seems a little familiar. Maybe you read it somewhere before and it’s been a while. This story is available in, a Christian bookstore available online. Remember, “Christian books change lives” and this Christian story has changed countless lives since it occurred.
Now our story takes a strange, yet familiar turn. Remember, Dan and Christina grew up assuming that they would one day marry and raise children. That was just the natural progression in families and certainly their environment was natural in every way. But, one day Christina comes to Dan with a very sobering and sad story. She is pregnant. Keep in mind that they were living in a time that this just did not happen. Families traditionally chose their son’s and daughter’s mate and then in their mid to late teens, the engagement was announced. Now Christina is throwing a monkey wrench literally in the spokes of this tradition. If she is pregnant, who is the guy? Why in the world would she sleep with somebody, knowing that she was to be engaged to Dan? And why is Christina engaging (pardon the pun) in this unexpected behavior anyway, since she was a very chaste and moral young woman? This whole turn of events was already bizarre enough, when she dropped a bombshell. If you have been following this story closely, can you identify who Dan and Christina are? Remember, this story is found in the Bible and it is a very familiar story, you just don’t know the two main characters as Dan and Christina.
God is in the business of changing lives. His Word, the Holy Bible declares, “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.” He also states that “all Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for doctrine (that which is right teaching), for instruction (how to do what God desires), for correction (kind of like a spanking, except God is the administrator) and for training in righteousness.” Those two verses are found in Psalms and II Timothy respectively. They are part of the reason why has taken the motto, “Christian Books Change Lives.” We take our mission seriously and we believe that one reason to offer this bookstore to the public is to change lives.
Back to our story for a moment: who are Dan and Christina? What is the bombshell that Christina dropped on Dan, right after she told him she was pregnant? Well, if I told you one of the answers, I would probably give away the second answer and as Paul Harvey liked to say, “and that’s the rest of the story!” Have you ever been watching a riveting drama on TV and just when you were on the edge of your seat, you saw the words rolling across the screen…..”to be Continued?” One of the many reasons I’m not a big fan of TV, they love to leave you hanging. And I am going to be guilty of the same.
We will find out the rest of the story in Dan and Christina: Part II. Until next time, or as Elmer Fudd (don’t you just love that silly wabbit?), would say, “, all f..f…f…folks!” Stay tuned to this blog about the many engaging books you will find at
Sunday, June 26, 2011
"Was It Good Enough for Paul and Silas?"
(If It Was Good Enough For Paul and Silas, It’s Good Enough For Me)
I grew up in church, first a formalized denomination that I scarcely remember, then the Evangelical Free church and then the Assemblies of God. My parents no doubt thought that I was absorbing the right lessons, but it wasn’t until I was about 15 years old that I accepted Jesus into my heart and was born again. And believe me, before that happened, the Bible was not exactly on my list of things to do.
Once I became a Christian, I was introduced to the mysterious world of which translation is the “authoritative Word of God.” Kind of reminds you of that age old argument used by the Devil in the Garden of Eden, “Did God really say……?” Throughout the centuries the serpent has made it his practice to cast aspersions on the Bible and one of his most tried and true tools is to confuse Christians as to which Bible to trust.
Is the King James Version the only trustworthy Bible out there? Well, not exactly. Sometimes we treat it like it is, but the King James Version is nothing more than the version commissioned by King James the (?) of England in the year 1611. It was not, as the popular joke goes among Christian young people, the one that was good enough for Paul and Silas. They actually had nothing but the Old Testament and I can assure you it wasn’ t in King James English! But for its time, it was a pretty good version and you can still buy it today at You can get it in leather, paper or hard bound editions. You can get it in Giant Print or Ultra Slim. You can listen to it on audio and you can compare it to other versions in the Parallel Bible. Yessirree Bob, we have the King James version of the Bible in just about any format you might wish.
But, at, we also have the New King James Version. We have the New American Standard Bible, the Contemporary English version and the English Standard Version. We have the Good News Bible and the Amplified Bible and the New American Standard Bible. Each Bible has its proponents, but there is one thing all Bibles have in common. They have all found a home on and we would like to find a good home for each Bible.
Now, we’ve talked briefly about translations, but what about paraphrases? Sometimes it helps to have a slightly clearer picture of a particular verse than we are getting at the moment. It might be time to pick The Message by Eugene Peterson. Mr. Peterson has assisted many thousands of Christians in gaining a clearer understanding of God’s Word. It is of course wise to compare his paraphrase with a more authortitative version to make sure that the valid meaning of God’s Word is coming through. Thank you Mr. Peterson for continuing in the fine tradition of the Living Bible of my youth!
By this time, you are either ready to acquire a Bible, or you are possible still horribly confused about which version to try. You can of course purchase a Bible from and just dive in, you could follow the advice of a close friend or family member or you can sample whatever your church offers. But the most important lesson to take from this brief moment in time is that the Bible does no good whatsoever unless it jumps off the written page or off the audio soundtrack and into your heart, through either your eyes or your hears. The Bible declares in Romans, that “Faith comes by hearing (or reading) and hearing (or reading) by the Word of God.” In other words, you have to do more than just own a Bible or display it in your house, or tote it around with you. You must open it and read it and spend time thinking about it. The Bible is a road map. It will tell you which is the right course of action. It is a mirror. It will reflect either an obedience to God in your life or a disregard for the consequences of sin. It is sharper than any two edged sword and believe you me, should you be contemplating doing something that is not right, it will let you know right away! If you don’t believe me, try lying to your spouse or your boss right after you read your Bible. Try sneaking a peek at something you shouldn’t be looking at after you’ve spent time in the Word of God. Try hating your neighbor or cussing up a storm or even saying an unkind word after you’ve been in the Word.
But first you have to make it yours. Stop by today and make one of our Bibles, your Bible…….TODAY!!!
Has Your Heart Ever Burned?
What a mouthful! Author Kevin O’Donnell, a trusted pastor and author shows in this book, available at, how two disciples discussed the events leading up and including the crucifixion of Jesus, with Jesus Himself, unknowingly. These disciples had just witnessed the execution of a very dear and beloved leader and they could not quite understand why God had allowed it to happen. Has this ever happened to you? Not the execution of a friend, but something that you could not explain and had prayed fervently would not happen, and it happened anyway? God, Where Are You? They must have cried. Then this stranger shows up and they begin to discuss the events of the past hours and days.
Their hearts began to burn within them. They could sense something was happening, but not recognizing Jesus, they couldn’t quite put their finger on it. Jesus, after all the Author of the Old Testament, began to explain in the way that only God could, exactly how God had planned this event from Genesis through Malachi. That was the only Bible they knew.
No doubt, Jesus began with the Garden of Eden. “He will crush your head and you will strike His heel” God stated to the serpent, Satan, in Genesis. In Exodus, the Passover was instituted and the Lamb of God was demonstrated to the world. The Passover Lamb was to be eaten, but no bones were broken. Jesus’ bones were left untouched on the cross. In Leviticus, the Sin Offering was instituted. In Numbers, the bronze serpent was lifted up on type of Cross and many people who had been bitten were healed. In Deuteronomy, Cities of Refuge were designated, signaling refuge from the wrath of God over sin.
In Joshua, the Commander of the Lord’s Army appears. In Judges, we see a picture of Jesus as he divides the sheep and the goats at the end of the age. In Ruth, a woman from outside the Jewish race becomes an ancestor of the promised Messiah. Can you see God’s message to mankind picking up speed and urgency. God has always had a plan. He was not surprised by the rebellion of Adam. He knew and he had a plan in place.
In Chronicles and Kings and Samuel 1 and Samuel I2, David the warrior King appears, followed by the wisest King (and Man) who ever lived. David was an ancestor of Jesus, the coming King of Israel. Solomon was the epitome of wisdom, foretyping the Logos of God. Job, the Sufferer of sufferers and so misunderstood. “Like a sheep is dumb before her shearers, He opened not His mouth.” Psalms 119 talks about the Word of God and Proverbs contains much practical daily advice. Is this what Jesus was explaining as they walked along and their hearts burned within them? We don’t actually know. It was not fully developed in Luke, but you will find the author’s take on this event at
Now we read the Song of Solomon, “I am my Beloved’s and He is mine.” In Ecclesiastes, the futility of life without the Saviour is examined. In Isaiah, an earthly type of Jesus is portrayed by Isaiah, “Here I am, Lord, send Me.” Out of His ivory palaces: into a world of woe, the woe of the rebellion of Adam and Eve and the entry of sin into this woeful world. In Jeremiah and Lamentations, the crying and the weeping of the Prophet whose heart was broken by the sins of His People. In Ezekiel, the seven fold Spirit of God. Daniel describes a mighty man who would not forsake his upbringing. He interpreted the future, inspired his companions to go through literal fire to avoid idol worship and himself prayed openly to his God regardless of consequences. Does this sound at all like Jesus, the Son of God? On and on, Jesus must have expounded His way through the Old Testament.
Have I inspired in you the desire to acquire this book and begin to understand how Jesus must have developed their understanding of their Scriptures? It is only as we see through the eyes of Jesus the meanings and message of His Holy Word that we will begin to understand, as did those two disciples on the way to Emmaus, the nature and the authority of God Himself. Pick up this book today, available at and enrich your life as you either learn for the very first time, or renew your acquaintance with the Christ of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. brings you the finest in Christian literature and Bibles and is a supporter of Victory FM in Lynchburg, Virginia and other fine Christian organizations, such as SAT-7 Radio/TV, broadcasting in Arabic, Farsi, Pashto and other languages to the Arabic and Muslim world.
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