What a mouthful! Author Kevin O’Donnell, a trusted pastor and author shows in this book, available at, how two disciples discussed the events leading up and including the crucifixion of Jesus, with Jesus Himself, unknowingly. These disciples had just witnessed the execution of a very dear and beloved leader and they could not quite understand why God had allowed it to happen. Has this ever happened to you? Not the execution of a friend, but something that you could not explain and had prayed fervently would not happen, and it happened anyway? God, Where Are You? They must have cried. Then this stranger shows up and they begin to discuss the events of the past hours and days.
Their hearts began to burn within them. They could sense something was happening, but not recognizing Jesus, they couldn’t quite put their finger on it. Jesus, after all the Author of the Old Testament, began to explain in the way that only God could, exactly how God had planned this event from Genesis through Malachi. That was the only Bible they knew.
No doubt, Jesus began with the Garden of Eden. “He will crush your head and you will strike His heel” God stated to the serpent, Satan, in Genesis. In Exodus, the Passover was instituted and the Lamb of God was demonstrated to the world. The Passover Lamb was to be eaten, but no bones were broken. Jesus’ bones were left untouched on the cross. In Leviticus, the Sin Offering was instituted. In Numbers, the bronze serpent was lifted up on type of Cross and many people who had been bitten were healed. In Deuteronomy, Cities of Refuge were designated, signaling refuge from the wrath of God over sin.
In Joshua, the Commander of the Lord’s Army appears. In Judges, we see a picture of Jesus as he divides the sheep and the goats at the end of the age. In Ruth, a woman from outside the Jewish race becomes an ancestor of the promised Messiah. Can you see God’s message to mankind picking up speed and urgency. God has always had a plan. He was not surprised by the rebellion of Adam. He knew and he had a plan in place.
In Chronicles and Kings and Samuel 1 and Samuel I2, David the warrior King appears, followed by the wisest King (and Man) who ever lived. David was an ancestor of Jesus, the coming King of Israel. Solomon was the epitome of wisdom, foretyping the Logos of God. Job, the Sufferer of sufferers and so misunderstood. “Like a sheep is dumb before her shearers, He opened not His mouth.” Psalms 119 talks about the Word of God and Proverbs contains much practical daily advice. Is this what Jesus was explaining as they walked along and their hearts burned within them? We don’t actually know. It was not fully developed in Luke, but you will find the author’s take on this event at
Now we read the Song of Solomon, “I am my Beloved’s and He is mine.” In Ecclesiastes, the futility of life without the Saviour is examined. In Isaiah, an earthly type of Jesus is portrayed by Isaiah, “Here I am, Lord, send Me.” Out of His ivory palaces: into a world of woe, the woe of the rebellion of Adam and Eve and the entry of sin into this woeful world. In Jeremiah and Lamentations, the crying and the weeping of the Prophet whose heart was broken by the sins of His People. In Ezekiel, the seven fold Spirit of God. Daniel describes a mighty man who would not forsake his upbringing. He interpreted the future, inspired his companions to go through literal fire to avoid idol worship and himself prayed openly to his God regardless of consequences. Does this sound at all like Jesus, the Son of God? On and on, Jesus must have expounded His way through the Old Testament.
Have I inspired in you the desire to acquire this book and begin to understand how Jesus must have developed their understanding of their Scriptures? It is only as we see through the eyes of Jesus the meanings and message of His Holy Word that we will begin to understand, as did those two disciples on the way to Emmaus, the nature and the authority of God Himself. Pick up this book today, available at and enrich your life as you either learn for the very first time, or renew your acquaintance with the Christ of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments. brings you the finest in Christian literature and Bibles and is a supporter of Victory FM in Lynchburg, Virginia and other fine Christian organizations, such as SAT-7 Radio/TV, broadcasting in Arabic, Farsi, Pashto and other languages to the Arabic and Muslim world.
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