“Christian Books Change Lives”
What exactly is www.InHisHonor.org? It is an organization, in this case an online Christian book, Bible and supplies distributor that is dedicated to the principle quoted in the New Testament book of Colossians, chapter 3, verse 17. This verse states, “whatever you do, in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the God the Father through Him.” It is a principle meant to guide the working and business relationships of Christians, those who declare that they are a follower of Jesus Christ and back up this declaration with their actions.
Www.InHisHonor.org is, as stated, an online Christian Bible, book and supplies store which endeavors to serve the Christian community by supplying, at a reasonable cost, those items deemed essential by individuals, churches and church administrators and anybody else needing a particular item. The store offers communion supplies, home and décor items meant to enhance a Christ-like environment, church and Sunday School and vacation Bible school supplies, supplies for the Spanish speaking community and some unusual but high quality items such as books about the American Girl historical dolls.
Www.InHisHonor.org also offers supplies for the homeschooling parent, Christian entertainment in the form of DVDs, music and movies and games and leisure items. The store also purveys Christian jewelry and accessories. We carry boxed greeting cards, items dealing with photos and memories, stationery and calendars and technical/electronic items. We feature canvas prints by P. Graham Dunn, candles for all occasions and outdoor/garden items.
We carry beauty and skin care items, soaps and hand creams. We have BeeLieve products and skin care products by Thistle Farms. Www.InHisHonor.org carries a large selection of software, including many study guides to help you think through popular books like Charlotte’s Web, Heart of Darkness and the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We carry software for language study, especially suited to home-schooling parents. In essence, we carry some of this and some of that. We are not the last word in Christian resources, but rather a good starting point. Hopefully, you will begin your search with us and what we do not have, we will willingly direct you onward. We are a resource for Christians and their organizations.
What are we not? We are not probably the least expensive source for Christian material and supplies. After all, we are confident that the value which we present in www.InHisHonor.org will be evident to you as you place your order and we believe that “the worker is worthy of his/her/its hire.” Paul reminded Timothy in his epistle to Timothy that the ox was not muzzled as it tread the grain and threshed the grain for its owner. This store is our livelihood. However, we do seek to provide a valuable service for a quality and well thought out price. We do not seek enrichment at your expense. We will guard your value and deem it as we do our own.
We are not yet well known. It is the desire and hope of www.InHisHonor.org to one day rise to the first or second page in every search engine as such phrases as, “Christian books change lives”, or the phrase “Christian books and supplies” is sought. Search engine optimization (SEO) is used to promote our work. We strive to remain current and improve our knowledge of the internet in order to serve you better.
We are not the only Christian bookstore online. Much to the owner’s chagrin, while contacting churches in the area where we are located, it was discovered that some larger churches have their own online resources. We do not seek to interfere or displace any of these quality organizations. We believe that there is room for what we seek to provide: quality Christian resources at a reasonable price.
We are not finished. We are making improvements everyday. We are continually adding new product and product lines. We seek to promote books by local ministers, the very first of which will be a book entitled, “The Complete Person” by Dr. Thomas Gulbronson. This pastor was very instrumental in the founding of our online Christian bookstore. He married us (to each other) twenty nine (29) years ago. You might say if he had not done his job, we would not be where we are today to serve you and your needs and desires. A shout out to “Pastor Tom”!! Thank you for your godly counsel and your Biblically sound teaching that guided us through many years.
So, what exactly is www.InHisHonor.org? We provide the answer every time you look us up on the Web, every time you tell your neighbor about us, every time you listen to WRVL, the broadcasting arm of Liberty University, heard throughout Virginia and North Carolina, which we support. We provide the answer when you decide to trust us with your hard earned resources. We are www.InHisHonor, serving Jesus Christ until the day when Gabriel blows his mighty trumpet. We would be honored to serve you.
“Christian Books Change Lives”
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