“Christian Books Change Lives”
“In My Father’s House are many mansions; if it were not true, I would have told you so!” This portion of a verse from the Gospel of John is also a line in a popular Christian hymn. What does this mean to you? Or, if I could phrase this differently, how many different nationalities/people groups will be represented in Heaven?
In the United States today, largely as a result of our public school upbringing, we are, most of us, very American-centric. To us, the world revolves around the United States. We are, after all, a very wealthy nation. We are probably the world’s leading consumer of petroleum and energy. In our storied past, we put down tyrants, like Saddam Hussein, Adolph Hitler and originally, old King George himself. During the Vietnam era, we acted like the world’s policeman. And until recently, study of languages other than English was not really encouraged. Instead, we insist that other nationalities which come to the United States learn English. We are the great melting pot and proud of it. None of this is entirely wrong; it’s just that we don’t often think of other peoples as co-Christians, we tend to think of them more as missions projects.
Finger of God, the DVD is one of the most popular items in at the present and that is good. It is the story, seen through one producer’s eyes, of miracles around the world. As the producer says, “on the surface it’s about the miraculous. However, at its core it is about the heart of God. It’s about how He views us and how He is desperate for a relationship with us. He places His finger on our lives….”, hence the title. Finger of God is good in another sense in that it opens our minds and our hearts to what is happening outside of American Christianity and to a lesser extent, inside as well.
One of the more intriguing elements is entitled, “Manna in the Pentagon.” Now if there were ever a place that needs God’s influence, it is our military’s headquarters! Just kidding, actually. We need God’s influence in every aspect of our daily lives, especially our own. There is also footage of the Chinese underground church, stories about Eastern European gypsies and African children who perform miracles on a daily basis. How about the fact that one of Saddam Hussein’s former palaces is now a church? Wouldn’t you like to read THAT story!
Finger of God, the DVD is available as close as your mailbox and your computer at It is one of many items that tell us, the Christian community about the workings of the Church outside our boundaries. Safely Home, by Randy Alcorn is another of these other-centric items. This one is a book, fictional to be sure but based on real life. Have you ever wondered how the Church, the Body of Jesus Christ, continues to not only exist, but thrive in such a closed and hostile, anti-Christian society such as China? Read Safely Home, you will never feel the same way again about going to church and doing the kind of Christian activities we take for granted.
EpiCenter by Joel Rosenberg is another book available at Have you ever wondered how in the world Christianity can survive in the face of Islam? The public face of Islam in the last 10-15 years has been terrorism and aggressive growth and evangelism. Would it surprise you to know that there are vibrant Christian fellowships active in the Muslim world, in places like Iran. There is no place on the face of this earth that is not visited by the Holy Spirit, often in the form of radio ministries such as SAT-7 and PAR 7. They produce and distribute materials in Farsi, Pashtun, Arabic and other prominent Asian languages for adults and children. Their offices receive mail daily telling of changed lives. I personally receive a montly newsletter entitled, Ministry to Muslims. There is much activity going on all over the world, directed by God Himself, “who is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
It is no longer, nor has it truthfully ever been, all about us. is here to serve you and help you learn more about the body of Christ. Open up your browser today and find us on your computer! Christian books change lives! They really do!
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